Bluetooth Playground
Selecting Devices
The device-name property indexes devices.
You can do this by correctly sending the input or doing it on the device side. But nobody's ever done this with the Micro:bit
Do this by starting the timer display time, put the code in the middle, subtract the first result on the device side.
Base64 Encoder For Values.
Checkout Github:
You may wanna do it again for a proper base64 Value.
Dynamic Attributes
Attributes of your device. Add using RawDeviceData, Another App.
The gyroscope's data is shown in the second section of the attributes adder. Beta, Alpha, and Gamma are in the order X, Y, and Z. These attributes show how much your device has tilted when the button is clicked.
Remember, before getting hands-on experiments with this, the attributes are Beta, Alpha and Gamma. The other one is Angular Velocity.
Understanding Micro:bit lines
are a set of strings attached like a sentence.
Last updated